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About the company

Youngsia Purchase is a freight forwarder focusing on freight forwarding and freight forwarding services from China and Thailand by sea, land and air, as well as ordering, making or creating product brands from China and Thailand. For all types of business owners who wish to create their own brand or print a logo on all types of advertising materials. We look forward to and are committed to bringing the latest technology to drive the continuous and improved delivery of goods in Cambodia.

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About the vision

Become the leading shipping company in Cambodia with the latest technology.

Delivery service

Overseas Shipping
Youngsia Purchase We focus on shipping goods from China and Thailand, including land, sea and air. At the same time, we have created a wide range of options to provide customers with fast, safe and reliable delivery.
Domestic delivery
In order to promote local transportation that is fast, safe and low cost, we have established a comprehensive transportation chain by partnering with partners in about 20 provinces and cities across the country, including Such as Kandal, Kampot, Preah Sihanouk, Kampong Speu, Kampong Cham, Kampong Thom, Siem Reap, Pursat, Battambang, Banteay Meanchey and Svay Rieng provinces.

Purchasing service

To make it easier for Cambodians to shop from abroad, we have developed DRSB Mobile, an app that allows you to easily pre-purchase items from popular apps in China and Thailand. In addition, this program has many benefits, such as:

Provide convenience

Facilitate customers who have difficulty buying and paying taxes

Service fee only

1% for China
5% for Thailand

Quality control

Help control product quality and provide assurance of product safety

Profit up to 3%

Visa Card or Master Card
